Friday, December 5, 2008


You are a famous author and you have been asked to share the beginning of your next book. Please show us what you can do . . .


Anonymous said...

Twas the night before Christmas
Once upon a time there was a little girl who was excited about tomorrow.
We are hungry for a snack.We ate a snack they could get there heads off of chistmas and get some work done.I did not want to do any work cause I am to busy on chrismas alot because it will start tomrrow.Today is chrismas!I am so happy it is cause I could not wait. Have a holly jolly chrismas!

Anonymous said...

The ambonable snow man. One snowy day kids were everywaer. The next day Alix and his freind Joudy and Joe and Zowey were having a snowball fihgt. There was a naberhood bully named max. One wensday afternoon max was gowing to play a prank on them. The kids were out camping a good time to rost marshmellows.

Anonymous said...

Billy and carin Lock's have chicken pox

Oh no me and mom have chicken pox what will we do! we sugest you go to the doctor, but we have to go to work! no you have the chicken pox you need A doctor well ok we will go to the doctor see you after the doctor's upoutment ok by mom and dad but remember no working ok!. But what they did not now was mom and dad had there finger's crossed so they went to work any way. THE END BY JEREMY. END

Anonymous said...

One year it was turning out to be a great Christmas. But it turned out to be a terrible holiday my Grandma killed ten snakes.

Anonymous said...

The ambonable snow man. One snowy day kids were everywaer. The next day Alix and his freind Joudy and Joe and Zowey were having a snowball fihgt. There was a naberhood bully named max. One wensday afternoon max was gowing to play a prank on them. The kids were out camping a good time to rost marshmellows.

Anonymous said...

One fine Christmas night a little girl who lived in a cottage want outside to see if it was snowing she saw a slim Santa it was to hard to believe. Who are you she said,I am Santa he said so she ran inside mom dad she said runing into her parants screming I saw santa but he was slim her parants did not believe her so she said I have prof so she toke her parants outside and he was gone.

Anonymous said...

Once upon a time there lived one butiful princess. But there dad wanted them to marry a oger becase the oger promosed gold to the king.But the princess disagred so she ran away.

Anonymous said...

Tinker Bell
Once there lived a little fariy named Tinker Bell.She was as cute as a cherry rose.She even smelled like cherry rose.Her friends smelled like diffrent flavors.Her mother and father loved her as much as they could.Tinker bell was nice to her queen Marabela.She is a nice lady.But, the king ting tong is very powerful and he wants to take over fariyland and make the fariys weak with his bottle of weak poison.He wants to have a new queen of his own because he used to love the good queen.They put the poison on him.We stoped king ting tong.Then they lived happliy ever after.The End

Anonymous said...

Once upon a time a little fairy named Sparkly was flying thou the forest when she spoted a dragon named prince of the land. She said are you a real prince of corue I am don't you hear the prince in name prince of the land he said, to Sparkly.

Anonymous said...

Once upon a time there was a little girl named Cinderella and she lived with her father.One day her father said,darling you must get one of our servants to take you to your Stepmother`s house because I`m dying.

Anonymous said...

BIG FOOt and the snow LEOPERD,

once upon A time there was A giant Monster named BIG FOOT but everyone called him fer ball because he was cuvered in fer and never takes A bath. Then one day big foot met A leoperd and never took A bath either so they became best friend's forever. BY JEREMY THE END.

Anonymous said...

The angry giant, once upon a time there lived a giant who was alway angry because he never had a birthday everone in his family had a birthday xcept him. One day the giant's friends woer having had a sprise birthday party for him. his Mom anddad woer at the party but it was a sprise for him the giant was pikking flowers.When the giant was home everyone said happy birthday and they daced all day long.THE END

Anonymous said...

The lady who broke her foot'when the broke her foot she had to go to the hospital and get sergre on her foot.When she got serger she could not walk for 20 days. she got out of the hospital on monday the 5 when she got out she a cat and got a now house and stuff. She did not no what to do noththing.She stell was mad then she got happy The End.